Declaration of consent
That I voluntarily and knowingly consent to the processing of my personal data and those of my child/children by “BONITA STYLE” EOOD using automated systems and/or paper with the aim:
• To provide the necessary logistics during ordering, manufacturing, purchase and sale and delivery of uniformed school and other apparel;
• To provide reliable and unambiguous identification of the child/children by the execution of single and individual apparel orders;
• To provide possibility for direct communication regarding questions relating to the subject of our relations, namely the purchase and sale of school uniforms.
I am informed that:
- The personal data categories, which shall be processed based on my consent, are:
• personal contact data – contact address, phone number and email address;
• identification data – personal names, school affiliation, class at school;
• data about the placed orders;
• emails, letters, information about orders, appeals, applications, complaints, other feedback, inherently necessary for the implementation of the subject of our relations;
• any other information, necessary for provision of the specific service and without which the service could not be provided;
• customer number, code and another identifier, generated for users identification;
- Access to my personal data shall have:
- the administrator of my personal data and the employees authorized to work with customers of “BONITA STYLE” EOOD;
- Providers of courier and payment services;
- My personal data and those of my child/children shall be stored for a period of: for the time until the order is received.
- After the term for storage my personal data and those of my child/children shall be destroyed in the following way:
• data on paper – by cutting with shredder;
• electronic data – by deleting in the electronic data base.
I am familiar with my rights as a subject of personal data, namely the right of:
- access to my personal data and those of my child/children;
- rectification (if the data are inaccurate);
- deleting (the right “to be forgotten“);
- limiting of the processing;
- transferability of my personal data between different administrators;
- objection to processing of my personal data and those of my child/children;
- appeal to a supervisor;
- I and my child/children not to be subject of a decision, based on automatic processing only, including profiling, which generates legal consequences for me as data subject or which affects me in a considerable extent in a similar way;
- judicial or administrative protection, if my rights as a data subject have been violated.
* The
text of this declaration complies with the requirements for validity of the
consent of the General data protection regulation (Regulation 2016/679) and the Article 29 guidelines of the Working group.
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